Monday, October 8, 2007

Weight Watchers

By Stephanie Boyle

I've tried Weight Watchers on various occassions over the past few years. On Weight Watchers, I tried the points based system which is fairly easy to follow as everything has nutritional value on it now. Depending on your weight you are allowed more or less food. I was allowed a reasonable amount if I was eating healthy foods however on the days you splurge on a little bit of a fattier food, your food could be very limited. I did lose some weight however with the amount of weight I needed to lose; it was too slow for me. They say you generally lose about a pound per week. That wasn’t really enough to keep me motivated as you don’t really notice a pound in your clothes. Also the weekly meetings weren’t convenient with my work schedule, so I was able to go to very few meetings which I eventually stopped going completely. With all the research I've been doing on weight loss and with some of the new programs coming out, I've come to realize why it didn't always work for me. I was staying under the amount of points, but I was only eating about 2 times per day. While I was eating so few times throughout the run of the day, my body was continuously going in and out of starvation mode. I was eating fattier foods and the fat was being stored because my body was in starvation mode lowering my metabolism.

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